A Must Have Software Utility
I’m kind of obsessed with productivity tools, and they generally fall into one of two categories: the ones everyone should use and the rest. It’s our company mission to make must-have tools (viewers, analyzers, exporters) for people who are writing, updating or reviewing project schedules. We live in a niche; we design and deliver productivity software products for…
Two New Year’s Resolutions
Today is January 2, the first workday where we get to practice our New Year’s resolutions. Did you make any? For Steelray, New Year’s resolutions take the form of annual objectives. This year, we’ve made two big resolutions. First, we resolve that we’re going to do a much better job of communicating with you. That…
IPMW 2018 Tools Talk
We are just a few days out from the start of the Integrated Program Management Workshop 2018 in Washington D.C! We are so excited to exhibit our products and demonstrate how they can improve your productivity. We will present our Tools Talk on Tuesday, November 13th from 1:30-2:15 pm in Room 307, so if you’re attending,…
A 4-Day Work Week?
Happy Friday everyone! Today, we’re discussing human productivity and the efficiency of an experimental four-day work week. Earlier this year, a firm in New Zealand ran an experiment where it let its employees work four days a week while being paid for five. Employees chose which day of the week to take off, and the…
Unintended Consequences
A hunter was injured when a bear landed on top of him after he shot it on a hilltop. I am not making light of this happening, and I hope the hunter makes a full and quick recovery, but this story is a perfect metaphor for the habit we sometimes have of shooting problems and at…
Alan – The Artifically Intelligent PM Assistant
Dateline: December, 2024 — Steelray launches Alan, our (fictional) Artificially Intelligent Assistant Project Manager. Let’s follow along as Alan takes on the day. Alan begins early by checking his news feed, noting that dock workers in Brazil are threatening to strike in January. He sends an alert to the risk analyst, checking to see if…