Project Analyzer 7.18.7
Version 7.18.7 of Steelray Project Analyzer is now available. This release features a redesign of the Criteria Manager, making it much easier to differentiate between Steelray’s built-in library of checks from checks that have been designed by the end user. There are also improvements to importing reports that make it clearer how existing criteria will…
Delay Analyzer 0.33
We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Steelray Delay Analyzer version 0.33. New in this release: XER Catalog You can now create a “.xer catalog” (available from the Open Dataset dialog) that reports metadata like project name, activity count, last activity, and key milestone dates for every .xer file in a given directory.…
New Release of Delay Analyzer
As some of you know, we released a new product last year called Steelray Delay Analyzer. It takes two or more Primavera P6 schedules, runs a comparison and half-step delay analysis, and identifies and quantifies exactly which changes moved the finish date. If you haven’t seen it, we have a 3-minute video that briefly shows…
Delay Analyzer 0.20
Delay Analyzer 0.20 is released. Click on the title above to learn more.