At the beginning of each workday, I take about five minutes and consider what I want to accomplish that day. Each Monday, I take extra time to consider the week ahead and what I intend to get done by Friday. And, of course, the first workday of the month finds me planning for the month.

So January 2nd is a “Quadruple Day.” My plan for the day is to set my intentions for the 2023 year, the month of January, and the week ahead.
I don’t always hit my goals; life has a way of reminding you that you aren’t really in control. Sometimes, I reset goals or make course corrections based on differences between the future I imagined and reality. And some days end up being entirely different from the day I had planned.
But it’s satisfying at the end of the year to look back on what I’d hoped to accomplish and check off most of them. 2022 was a good year; if all goes according to plan, 2023 will be even better.
I wish all of you reading this a Happy 2023 and a meaningful Quadruple Day.