Category: Delay Analysis

  • Dawn of the 3D Gantt Chart

    My company has been in R&D mode for several years now, and one area of focus has been to try to reinvent and improve the Gantt Chart.  Gantt charts use the Y-axis to display the WBS and the X-axis to show the timeline.  The data date (or status date) is rendered as a vertical line…

  • Steelray Delay Analyzer 0.14

    There’s a new version of our Delay Analyzer — version 0.14. You can read about it below, but we highly recommend you watch this 8-minute video which walks you through all of the new features. For those of you who don’t like watching videos (what?), here’s a summary of all of the changes: Grid pane…

  • Two New Year’s Resolutions

    Today is January 2, the first workday where we get to practice our New Year’s resolutions.  Did you make any?  For Steelray, New Year’s resolutions take the form of annual objectives.  This year, we’ve made two big resolutions. First, we resolve that we’re going to do a much better job of communicating with you.  That…