
Release Notes for Steelray Analyzer for P6

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Version 1.11.0 (29-May-2024)
  • Bug Fix: Activities with null value for Total Float were causing an issue with the Incomplete Critical Activities metric and Critical Path Length Index metric.
  • Bug Fix: Sorting on the main AP6 screen, the metric detail screen, and dialogs was not working.
  • Improvement: Right-click on a Project in the drop-down list to delete.
Version 1.10.0 (28-February-2024)
  • Bug Fix: Abbreviated value in a calendar was preventing schedule parsing.
  • Improvement: Updated code-signing certificate.
  • Improvement: Multiple Steelray and third-party library updates.
Version 1.9.0 (05-December-2023)
  • Bug Fix: Corrected an issue where some XER files were not importing.
  • Improvement: Multiple third-party library updates.
  • Improvement: Match history line on criteria detail page.
Version 1.8.2 (02-August-2023)
  • Bug Fix: Corrected a database error encountered when installing an update.
Version 1.8.1 (29-June-2023)
  • Bug Fix: Change to Critical Path Test (DCMA 12) metric - Start Milestones with any successors are not flagged.
  • Improvement: Multiple Steelray and third-party library updates.
Version 1.8.0 (28-February-2023)
  • Improvement: New Steelray configurable metrics for High Duration and High Float.
  • Improvement: Multiple third-party library updates.
Version 1.7.0 (20-January-2023)
  • Improvement: Updated code-signing certificate.
  • Improvement: Multiple third-party library updates.
Version 1.6.1 (15-December-2022)
  • Bug Fix: Corrections to Finish On or Before Constraints and to Start On or Before Constraints metrics.
  • Bug Fix: Corrected Excel output for Successor and Predecessor columns.
Version 1.6.0 (07-December-2022)
  • Improvement: New option to delete a project from the Add Snapshot menu when all snapshots are invalid.
  • Improvement: Multiple Steelray and third-party library updates.
Version 1.5.0 (22-November-2022)
  • Improvement: Revised messaging and progression when schedule files are renamed.
  • Improvement: Multiple Steelray and third-party library updates.
Version 1.4.0 (09-November-2022)
  • Improvement: New Steelray metrics for Out of Sequence checks to include completed predecessors.
  • Improvement: Metric configuration feature added.
  • Bug Fix: Corrected formatting for long date formats in Excel output.
Version 1.3.0 (10-October-2022)
  • Bug Fix: Primavera library update to fix a parsing error.
  • Improvement: Multiple Steelray and third-party library updates.
Version 1.2.3 (22-April-2022)
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue when opening the Preferences menu and no projects are loaded.
  • Bug Fix: DECM metric 06A504a and 06A504b corrected to ignore time of day when comparing dates.
Version 1.2.2 (09-March-2022)
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with schedule names containing tabs and/or double quotes.
Version 1.2.1 (22-February-2022)
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with relationship type corrections for FS or FF start milestone predecessors and SS or SF finish milestone predecessors. The impacted checks include Erroneous Relationship Types, DECM 06A204b Dangling Logic, DECM 06A212a FF Out of Sequence Activities, DECM 06A212a FS Out of Sequence Activities, DECM 06A212a SF Out of Sequence Activities, and DECM 06A212a SS Out of Sequence Activities.
Version 1.2.0 (17-February-2022)
  • Bug Fix: Corrected formatting of Date/Time values in Excel output.
  • Improvement: Predecessors Complete Not Started metric improved to only consider activities driving the successors' start date.
  • Improvement: New metric added - Suspicious Project Planned Start. This metric checks that a project's planned start date is within a valid work shift for that schedule.
Version 1.1.0 (08-February-2022)
  • Bug Fix: Pass/Fail score history on the Metric detail page.
  • Improvement: New metric added - Duplicate Names.
Version 1.0.0 (02-February-2022)
  • Bug Fix: Metric detail page error (index out of range).
  • Improvement: Coach content added to Excel output.
  • Improvement: New metrics added (Suspicious Actual Starts, Suspicious Actual Finishes, LOE Activity Count, DCMA #10 (Resources), DCMA #12 (Critical Path Test), DCMA #13 (CPLI)).
Version 0.11.0 (18-November-2021)
  • Improvement: Using new Steelray Framework (0.14.0) and Steelray Licensing (1.5.2) libraries.
  • Bug Fix: Threshold editing fix.
Version 0.10.0 (09-November-2021)
  • Improvement: New metrics added (Modified Predecessors, Modified Successors, Modified Original Duration, Modified Remaining Duration).
  • Bug Fix: Previous older installation caused an issue where application could not load.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue when user clicked Cancel from the "New Project" menu.
Version 0.9.0 (01-November-2021)
  • Improvement: Various performance enhancements.
  • Improvement: Using new Steelray Framework library (0.13.0)
Version 0.8.0 (08-July-2021)
  • Improvement: New Preferences menu to manage application-wide settings.
  • Improvement: Using new Steelray Framework library (0.10.0)
Version 0.7.0 (27-Apr-2021)
  • Improvement: Various DECM metric improvements.
  • Improvement: Using new Steelray Primavera library (0.7.0).
  • Improvement: Enhanced user settings.
Version 0.6.2 (29-Mar-2021)
  • Improvement: Coach content updates.
  • Improvement: Updated DECM metric 06A204b
  • Bug fix: Some detail metrics were not properly displayed.
  • Bug fix: Project names with ' character were not saving correctly.
Version 0.6.1 (18-Mar-2021)
  • Bug fix: Missing coach content.
  • Bug fix: Improved the work flow when creating a new project from a single XER which contains a single snapshot.
  • Bug fix: When an XER had multiple snapshots with the same data date, re-starting AP6 was not loading the correct snapshot.
  • Improvement: Using new Steelray Framework library (0.8.1).
  • Improvement: Using new Steelray Primavera library (0.6.1).
Version 0.5.0 (09-Mar-2021)
  • This is the first version published for the Early Access Program.